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Tucker Tub Blog

The benefits of Garlic


We believe that on balance and in small quantities the benefits of Garlic are desirable in natural feeding of dogs and that any risk is absolutely minimal. We have used natural Garlic in our food for over 25 years to great effect with no adverse reactions.

Garlic (allium sativum) is known to have very beneficial characteristics for humans and canines:

  • Strengthening of digestion and beneficial stimulation of the intestinal tract
  • Works as a natural flea and tick repellant
  • Contains antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiseptic properties that can be used for deworming
  • Liver enhancer through breaking down wastes before they enter your dog’s bloodstream
  • Widens blood vessels (vasodilator), which can help with heart issues and could prevent blood clots

The dangers of garlic use for dogs are often misunderstood. In a study conducted in 2000 in Hokkaido, four dogs were fed the equivalent of 5g raw garlic per kilo of dogs’ body weight for 7 days. This means that for a 20kg dog you would need to feed it 100g of garlic, which is about two full heads of garlic or 20 cloves, truly an excessive amount. In this study the dogs’ red blood cells suffered but no dogs developed hemolytic anemia. It is recommended that dogs receive between ½ – 3 cloves a day, ½ a clove for dogs around 5kgs and 3 cloves for dogs over 45kgs.

However, Japanese dog breeds are at an increased risk for allium poisoning and therefore garlic is not recommended for breeds such Shiba Inu and Akita Inu. If in doubt, or if your dog has any health issues please consult with a vet.

If you have any questions around garlic use in our products or practical feeding with garlic, please feel free to reach out to us or schedule a consultation.